Welcome - Fàilte

Welcome to the Angus Macleod Archive website, which contains a selection of material left by the late Angus 'Ease' Macleod MBE (1916-2002) of South Lochs in the Isle of Lewis. His full archive of personal papers, books, photographs, and recordings is available for reference and research at the Ravenspoint Centre, Kershader, South Lochs, Isle of Lewis (tel 01851 880737).

While a significant part of the Archive is in Gaelic - see particularly some of the stories in 'From the Ceilidh House' - Angus generally preferred to write in English. Indeed, like many of his generation of native Gaelic speakers, he was not comfortable with writing Gaelic, and the format of the Archive faithfully reflects this cultural pattern.

The scope and interest of the Archive extends much more widely than South Lochs or even Lewis to encompass themes which are relevant to the history of the Highlands and Islands more generally.

Fàilte gu làrach-lìn Tasglann Aonghais Mhicleòid, far am faic sibh àireamh mhòr de na nithean a dh'fhàg Aonghas 'Ease' Macleòid M.B.E. (1916-2002) à Taobh Deas nan Loch, Eilean Leòdhais. Am broinn na tasglainn tha pàipearan pearsanta, leabhraichean, pioctairean agus teipichean. Tha an tasglann gu lèir air a foillseachadh aig Rubha an Fhithich, Cearsiadair, Eilean Leòdhais (fòn 01851 880737).

Ged a tha cuid mhath den tasglainn anns a' Ghàidhlig (gu h-àraidh 'Sgeulachdan às an Taigh-chèilidh'), b' fheàrr le Aonghas a bhith a' sgrìobhadh anns a' Bheurla. Coltach ris a' chuid bu mhotha den ghinealach aige, cha robh e comhfhurtail le a bhith a' sgrìobhadh anns a' Ghàidhlig, agus tha cruth na tasglainn a' leantainn gu dlùth a' phàtrain chultaraich seo.

Tha na cuspairean anns an tasglainn a' teagasg mu dheidhinn cultar agus eachdraidh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean Siar air fad, agus chan e a-mhàin Taobh Deas nan Loch agus Eilean Leòdhais.

The documents can be browsed through using the menu on the left or search for a specific document. Documents are in PDF format and a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to read them, this can be downloaded for free from Adobe's website.

Thanks to our funders


The Project

This project is a partnership between Angus Macleod's family, the Islands Book Trust, and Comunn Eachdraidh na Pairc.


© Angus Macleod Archive 2006 - 2025. Site by reefnet.